Latest News: SiteZone Proximity Warning System (6)
Complementary safety technology that doesn’t re-write the handbook
The SiteZone proximity warning system (PWS), was never intended to replace existing safety protocols or methodology. It was supposed to be an addition – a complementary system to..
The unhealthy side of collision risks
The relationship between feeling good and working well I have no doubt that there’s a strong correlation between your health and how you work. Especially when it comes to mental..
What plant operators like most about RFID proximity warning systems.
For us to develop and continue to refine SiteZone technology and its application, the most vital elements of our informed decision-making comes from users. We listen to the..
Out with the old, in with the new year – happy 2019!
Everyone keeps saying how quickly the years fly by, and here we are in 2019 already.
Are we on message with collision prevention?
There are a lot of voices out there talking about work related safety. There are, of course, the ‘hot spot’ industries for which worker safety and injury prevention are a high..
Let's celebrate the evolution of technology in safety culture
When we introduced SiteZone, we realised that technology had a major part to play in raising safety standards. The crux was to identify the greatest risks and adapt technology to..
Wasted opportunities – consistent data to improve safety
Being struck by a vehicle while at work is surprisingly common throughout various industries in the UK. The waste sector remains a very high risk, in fact, its fatalities are 15..
OnGrade changes brand name to SiteZone Safety
OnGrade were originally formed in 2009 by Gary Escott and Nigel Adams, and launched the SiteZone proximity system soon after. Since then, SiteZone has been used in various..