Latest News
Read our latest news about proximity warning systems and how they're helping to change behaviour on sites across the UK.
Helping companies ensure all their staff get home safely
In 2019 we’re determined to help as many companies ensure all their staff get home safely, everyday. Our innovative products provide maximum customer benefit and are practical and..
SiteZone Safety wins Excellence in Innovation Awards 2019
SiteZone Safety wins coveted innovation award thanks to its telematics system, OverSite, which records plant-personnel interaction data and can be viewed in real time to help..
Please enjoy your boom responsibly
There were whispers afoot when Brexit was just an embryonic idea – if it went through, everything would all come tumbling down. There were fears that the property market would..
The dos and don’ts of using proximity alarm systems
Gary Escott, Director of SiteZone Safety, explains how to get the best out of a proximity warning system for optimised effectiveness in keeping workers safe from vehicle collision..
When poor safety affects mental health
By improving anti-collision safety practices, employees work-related health can improve for the better.
One size doesn’t fit all - adaptable technology
Listen and learn I believe that success with service or product provision is to give the customer what they need to help run a successful business, and show them how it works best..
Complementary safety technology that doesn’t re-write the handbook
The SiteZone proximity warning system (PWS), was never intended to replace existing safety protocols or methodology. It was supposed to be an addition – a complementary system to..
The unhealthy side of collision risks
The relationship between feeling good and working well I have no doubt that there’s a strong correlation between your health and how you work. Especially when it comes to mental..
SiteZone Safety welcomes new team member
Proximity warning specialist SiteZone Safety hires new business development executive as the business plans next phase of growth.