Latest News
Read our latest news about proximity warning systems and how they're helping to change behaviour on sites across the UK.
Can AI cameras provide robust pedestrian detection for your site?
The safety of your staff is your top priority, but you also have plenty of operational challenges on your plate. That’s where SiteZone comes in. We’re proven to eliminate plant..
The SiteZone Story – 15 years on
When Nigel Adams recruited Gary Escott to work for him at Prolec, a safety product manufacturer for the construction industry, they never realised that 20 years on they would be..
Speedy service keeps Viridor Cardiff ERF operating safely
Viridor Cardiff Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) is the largest ERF in Wales treating waste from the local authority and local business contracts. The facility, which has been..
Local award shortlisting for Dorset-based SiteZone
This month we gained our 7th Award Shortlisting for our new product RCV Smart Loader.
Loading bins safely at LARAC Conference
Earlier this month we attended the RWM Resource & Waste Management Expo. A key date in the year where people working in the waste and recycling sector come together to share best..
Hit for Six - sixth award shortlisting for RCV Smart Loader
The value of partnerships is being proven with FCC Environment and SiteZone Safety taking home their sixth award shortlisting this year for their collaborative work on the RCV..
Safe & Sound: SiteZone Celebrates Safety & Cyber Certifications
It can be difficult to choose a supplier and know they’re living up to their promises. But with our external accreditations you can be assured our health and safety processes are..
Woodworking company fined after loading shovel collision death
The HSE have recently published news of a wood recycling company that’s been fined after an employee was killed when he was struck by a wheel loader.
Managing risks of plant pedestrian collisions – an insider’s view
I’ve worked within the Recycling and Recovery industry for almost three decades, and the last 15 years of that was as a Regional Health and Safety professional. During this time,..